artificial fake plant and trees
The Properties and Characteristics of Artificial Plant Material

The Properties and Characteristics of Artificial Plant Material The Properties and Characteristics of Artificial Plant Material

The artificial plant is an ornament that the technicians imitate the plant form, use various raw materials, and use special means to design and manufacture. The artificial  plants are rich in variety and complete in style, and are widely used in interior decoration, wall decoration, outdoor landscape decoration, film and television exterior.

 First, the effect is stable
 The artificial bionic landscape plants are not restricted by natural conditions such as sunlight, air, moisture, and seasons. Plant species can be selected according to the needs of the site. No matter whether it is the northwest desert or the deserted Gobi, the green world of the four seasons can be created.

 Second, the maintenance is simple
 There is no need to water or fertilize, and there is no need to worry about the plant withering and falling, which saves a lot of money for future management.

 Third, to meet more needs
 With the rapid development of building materials technology, design ideas and ideas have been liberated unprecedentedly. More and more tall indoor spaces are appearing in our lives. The artificial plant landscaping introduces palm plants with excellent garden landscape effects into the interior, which caters to the needs of such space landscaping and creates a landscape effect that ordinary plants cannot achieve.

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